Ledger.com/Start® - Secure Your Crypto Journey with Easy Setup

Ledger.com/Start® to safeguard your cryptocurrency assets. Begin your crypto journey with Ledger’s trusted hardware wallets, offering top-notch security and user-friendly guides. Get started

Starting your crypto journey can be intimidating, but with Ledger.com/Start®, you can secure your assets with confidence and ease. This step-by-step guide simplifies the process, helping you set up your Ledger hardware wallet quickly and securely, ensuring your digital investments are protected from the start.

  1. Unbox and Inspect Your Ledger Wallet: Begin by unboxing your Ledger device. You'll find the wallet, a USB cable, and recovery sheets inside. Verify that all components are intact and in perfect condition.

  2. Connect and Set Up Your Device: Plug your Ledger wallet into your computer using the USB cable. Visit Ledger.com/Start® to download the Ledger Live software. The app will guide you through the initial setup, including setting up a secure PIN code.

  3. Backup with Your Recovery Phrase: During the setup, you'll receive a 24-word recovery phrase. Write down these words exactly as they appear and store them safely. This recovery phrase is crucial for accessing your assets if your device is lost or damaged.

  4. Install Cryptocurrency Apps: Using Ledger Live, install the apps for the cryptocurrencies you plan to manage. Each app is specific to a particular blockchain, allowing you to send and receive transactions securely.

  5. Manage and Monitor Your Assets: Once your apps are installed, you can start managing your crypto. Ledger Live provides an intuitive interface to monitor your portfolio, check balances, and make transactions, all with the highest level of security.

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